Tuesday 20 November 2012


Well, its been a while!

I have been off the radar for quite a while now and enough is enough!  I became a Student Mentor because I want to help others.  I want to apologize to all I have been distant with as of late.  There is no excuse for rudeness.
        I'm starting a new project.  After weeks of thinking about a plan and trying to figure out how I can help others I have proposed that I do a video blog.  As I am not in university a lot of the time and my part time (pretty much full time) job is so demanding, I feel that my uses as a mentor are limited.  I feel that through a video blog I can reach out to students via the internet.  
        Below is my very first video blog (no laughing as I have never, ever done this before).  The sound quality is poor and the lack of artistic....ness is well, prominent.
        I hope it gives you the basic idea of what I am trying to achieve and hopefully if this video gets a good enough response then I will continue to make them, hopefully they will be more colorful and louder (lets see if I can get the hang of the volume control!)
       So yeah, please watch it, please give me your opinions and yeah.. Have a gander.

If it doesn't show for some reason then you can find the video at;

Be kind... Or not, either way just let me know what you think :]

Sunday 17 June 2012

The Very First Day.

The day started by coming back from my partners house at 7am.  I was tired, moody and ready to crawl into my bed until I realised that today was the day!  Today I was going to become a Student Mentor.
    After sorting myself out (washing, dressing, brushing of the hair... Usual morning business) I realised the time and started to panic.  I was meant to be picking up another fellow mentor at quarter to 9 and it was almost twenty too!  Do you think i'm trousers were dry, do you think my bag was packed and do you think that I had found my cardigan!?  Of course not!...  So after a few moments of panic, rushing around and texting Miss Queenie to explain that i'd be late (this is a normal routine with us, i'm not a morning person!), I left the house excited and full of anticipation for what the day held!
     I did not know what to expect when I first walked into the room except that there were going to be other students watching us run to get in on time.  My nerves had gone by this point but there was still an element of anxiety as this was, still is, a whole new journey.
     I wanted to become a mentor as I have always wanted to help others.  When I was in school I was part of the 'Anti-Bullying' club, when I left school I went to Swansea University to become a Mental Health Nurse (that was quite a life lesson!) and then I came to Caerleon University to start my journey to become a Religious studies teacher.  It has always been in me to be there for other people, no matter the time, the place, the situation... I always want to help.
     Anyway!  Enough of that sentimental stuff!  Everyone in the room was quiet but it did not feel uncomfortable in any way, shape or form.  The atmosphere was peaceful and although I had a feeling other people were nervous, it did not show at all!
     We started by introducing ourselves and telling the group one 'interesting' fact about ourselves.... Why oh why did I admit that I quite like Britney Spears?  I blame the hidden nerves!  I could have told them about my three legged cat!  But no....
       The day continued by doing a number of tasks, being moved from table to table so we did not stick with the people we knew, love mixing it up a bit!
     The day went on and as I thought, everyone in the room was as nice, interesting and lovely as I thought they would be!